Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Watch out for those baboons!

We will soon be leaving on a vacation to the Drakensberg mountains which is located close to the country of Lesotho which is a country in the middle of South Africa. The Drakensberg mountains are still on the South African side. We are told to watch out for the baboons that seem to roam freely there and can get into plenty of mischief, if a hotel room sliding class door or window is left open, they have been known to come right into the room searching for food. I recently read an article in a magazine that said that a baboon got into her hotel room, found her face cream and smeared it all over his/her furry face. Hopefully we will not have any baboon encounters.

We hope to be staying at a nice hotel (baboon free) and will do some hiking, resting and taking in some spectacular views. The kids will be off from school and Stan will get some much needed rest from working all of the long hours that he has been working. It takes about 4 1/2 hours to drive there, but Stan and I will share the driving. He told me the other day, that I have gone the opposite direction in my driving from being too timid, to being overly aggressive. O.K., now I need to look for the middle ground with my driving, maybe after this trip, I will find it.

1 comment:

  1. Hold on tight comes Paulette behind the wheel...sounds like those baboons might not stand a chance if they get in your way...tee hee.
    Seriously, have a fantastic trip and I know Stan is probably looking forward to some much deserved R&R :)
    I look forward to hearing all about your trip upon your return.
