It's Saturday and Stan and I have worked very hard packing up any remainng stuff that was left in closets, drawers, etc. to get our house ready for our caretakers to move in . Meanwhile the kids were at neighborhood playdates. Oh, how I will miss the fantastic neighbors that we have. In some ways, it is like an extended family. Tomorrow is our last weekend day in our home for awhile. We will miss our life in Kansas.
We will end the day, tomorrow at the Lunney's house for dinner. The Lunneys moved to Kansas from N.C. Although, they do not plan on following us to South Africa anytime soon. :)
We did follow another N.C. family (The Hearls) to Kansas and now will follow them to Jo'burg. We will be moving to their same community in South Africa. In fact one of their sons, Jonathan is the same age as Christina, and will go to the same school (American International School of Johannesburg). Both Stan and Greg work for Black and Veatch.
Stan informed me that our internet connection at our home in South Africa has not been installed yet and there is no date provided. The pace is much slower in South Africa, so please be patient with my blog updates. You can rest assured that as soon as I have internet access, I will be making regular posts about our life in South Africa. In the meantime, I will have to write myself notes about our experiences until I am able to get onto the internet.
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