Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We are on our way to South Africa!

We are finally on our way to South Africa. We are in Detroit waiting for our Amsterdam connection. Yesterday was a busy day and we could not of completed all that we needed to complete without our friends. We are so thankful for your help. You became an extension of our family.

Stan and I stayed up last night until 2pm packing and getting ready to leave. There were so many details that needed taking care of. It is amazing how complicated our lives can become and how difficult it is to wind everything down. Things that I wish I could of done before I left the U.S.

* A visit to N.C. to say goodbye to my family and friends there. A walk on the beach at Figure Eight Island.

* More time with each and every person that has touched my life in Kansas,.

* More jacuzzis in our backyard.

* More BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) lectures from my teaching leader and time with my group as well as the other group leaders and BSF staff.

* More time watching Christina ice skate (we hope to get her a coach in South Africa), so maybe I will see that fulfilled.

I am so thankful that:

* Stan's sister, Lillian came to visit and say goodbye from St. Louis.
* We got to go to St. Louis over Thanksgiving to visit with Stan's family.
* Stan's Dad recovered from his hip replacement surgery and numerous trips to the hospital from a dislocated hip and also that he will have another surgery to stop any future hip dislocations.
* I have such a wonderful husband, Stan and 2 wonderful daughters that are excited about sharing this adventure to South Africa together.
* I have friends that have been like family to myself and to Stan and the girls.
* The girls had the opportunity to attend such a wonderful school, with so many wonderful teachers and staff in Kansas.
* The Lippard family, Aaron and Ivy and their 4 kids who were able to move into our house and take care of it while we are gone.
* We are able to communicate with the people we love through technology such as this blog, Skype, e-mail, Vonage digital phone service, etc.
* I was able to be a BSF discussion group leader for a group of awesome ladies, studying, "The Life of Moses", as well as getting to know other BSF ladies in leadership week after week and to listen and grow in Christ through the study of Moses.
* I was able to live in the neighborhood that we lived in, and to have such awesome neighbors that are my good friends as well. They were an extension of my family.
* We were able to visit our friends and family in N.C. this past August as well as a quick trip in Sept. to the N.C. mountains to attend a ladies retreat from our previous church in N.C.

I could go on and on, but have to catch a flight to Amsterdam. For those living in the U.S., we will arrive in SA around 4pm, your time on Wed. 2/25. Please keep praying for our trip. So far it has gone so smoothly. We can see your prayers answered before our eyes.

Love from The South African Shillings


  1. Shilling Family- I am sooooo glad to hear that things are going smoothly so far in your travels. We miss your family already! Love, The Evans

  2. Hello Shilling Family!
    We can't believe you are gone. We are praying that things continue to go smoothly (especially in Amsterdam). You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
    The Mason's

  3. We are missing you already but realized that time will fly and you all will be back here with us. Bless you on your journey and post or email when you can get internet connected. (The mom in me realized I will not know when you get there and I got that queasy feeling!) We look forward to hearing about your adventures. God Bless, The Picketts
