Friday, February 27, 2009

We are here in South Africa!!!

We made it to South Africa! Thanks so much for your prayers. We experienced God's protection in so many ways and are so thankful. Here were some ways that we felt His hand of protection:

* During our Kansas City airport check-in, of our 16 pieces of luggage/boxes, not one piece was weighed. The luggage handlers took our word that each piece was the correct weight (since our bathroom scale at home may not of been 100% accurate, we could of been off a pound or two and been charged for overweight bags).
* We took off from the Amsterdam airport at 10am, 40 minutes prior to the airplane crash that closed the airport.
* Stan left his wallet on the plane from Detroit to Amsterdam and was able to have it retrieved from the plane once he realized it was gone.
* The airport transport had to drive a different route from the Johannesburg airport to our new home, because he found out that a car accident had occurred that involved a truck and 8 cars. We would of sat in traffic for hours if he had not be informed about the accident.
* Only 1 out of the 16 checked pieces of luggage were lost and they may never be able to retrieve it. It was the smallest of the boxes. Now if I can just remember all the things that were in that box.
* Most importantly our family was protected from so many other incidents that we may never know about.

We love our new home. The home owners worked really hard to have it ready for us. We are so thankful for that. The girls have been enjoying the summer weather and have been in the pool every day. They start school on Monday morning. We took a walk yesterday around our community and met a neighbor with 2 kids that are the same ages as Christina and Angela. We also went out to dinner last night and Angela met a girl that would be riding on the bus with her every day to school. She was so excited to have a friend.

It has been so nice having our kids to ourselves for a little while. It has brought our family even closer together. We need to rely on each other so much more for most everything. I can see that the Christina and Angela are even closer friends now. Stan did an incredible job picking out our home, car, etc. Now if you can just pray that I can figure out how to drive on the "other" side of the road and on the "other" side of the car. I keep getting into the wrong side of the car when Stan is driving. I did do a test drive around the neighborhood and managed to not crash into anyone.

We will go to church this Sunday at the place that Bible Study Fellowship is held. I am even going to try driving with Stan in the passenger seat. Please pray that we find a church soon.

I promise to have pictures up soon, especially of the big brown spider that appeared on Christina's ceiling in her bedroom. He was about the size of my hand with thick legs. Stan tells me he is harmless. We kept the door closed until Stan got home from work. he managed to get him out the window without harming him. We also had a bat fly into our house and out again. It was quite comical chasing him out of the house. If you want to e-mail us, please use,
Please be patient, since the internet is very slow here and I have to wait my turn getting on to the computer. We can only go on one at a time until we can figure out how to use it on all three computers at the same time.

Stay tuned for more adventures in South Africa!

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